Walaupun sekarang tengah musim exam tapi sejak kebelakangan ni, aku selalu je jalan2 dekat facebook. jenguk jenguk wall kawan kawan lama. and aku rase down sikit malam ni. sebabnye kecewa dengan perubahan sesetengah individu yang dulunya aku sangat rapat dan kenal mereka. tapi bile tengok sekarang, seolah2 melihat individu yang berbeza ;(
Ya Allah, kau berikanlah kekuatan kepadaku untuk membantu rakan rakanku setakat yang termampu.

and my dear friend just want to let you know that, I really do love you friend, that's why I speak up. :)
And then, (this is another topic)
aku bukak page satu group yang sangat.. =.= erghhh tak taw nak cakap ape. sedih! apekah? Persatuan Gay Malaysia Kebangsaan? huh..? even kitorang housemates tergelak2 bace wall tu and tengok gambar profile pictures people dalam tu yang ntah ape2, but that laugh bukan sebab kitorang suke and setuju dengan perbuatan tu but it is sarcasm. inside, i felt disgusting..

Yes, I know that you people are gay but that is obviously NOT OKAY!
Kami belajar psychology semester ni. So I'd like to share some things. So basically, we have five different perspectives of psychology but I am most agree with the last one which is the Phenomenological Perspective ;
Ya Allah, kau berikanlah kekuatan kepadaku untuk membantu rakan rakanku setakat yang termampu.

and my dear friend just want to let you know that, I really do love you friend, that's why I speak up. :)
And then, (this is another topic)
aku bukak page satu group yang sangat.. =.= erghhh tak taw nak cakap ape. sedih! apekah? Persatuan Gay Malaysia Kebangsaan? huh..? even kitorang housemates tergelak2 bace wall tu and tengok gambar profile pictures people dalam tu yang ntah ape2, but that laugh bukan sebab kitorang suke and setuju dengan perbuatan tu but it is sarcasm. inside, i felt disgusting..

Yes, I know that you people are gay but that is obviously NOT OKAY!
Kami belajar psychology semester ni. So I'd like to share some things. So basically, we have five different perspectives of psychology but I am most agree with the last one which is the Phenomenological Perspective ;
"We are not acted on by forces beyond our control, but instead we are capable at controlling our own destiny. We are the builders of our own lives because each of us is a free agent, to make choices and set goals and therefore accountable for our life choices. This is the issue of free will versus determinism. Some phenomenological theories are called also humanistic (the desire toward self actualization). All of us have a basic need to develop our potential to the fullest, to progress beyond where we are now"
So here is the conclusion from me,
everyone have the right to choose their own destiny, so please my dear choose it wisely.
im not gay and im okay :DD
saya juling dan saya ok..
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