Assamualaikum and hello all :)
Ini adalah entry yang ditangguh-tangguh dalam pembikinannya hee :p Boleh skip ke perenggan yang ke-6 terus untuk review :)
Jadi pada 14 Julai 2011 yang lepas, tikamana aku masih lagi di Egypt.. kitorang pergi tengok the last Harry Potter movie. *sobs3 T.T * .
Walaupun waktu tu still dalam exam week, tapi kami dengan semangatnya curi masa sekejap nak pergi tengok. Plan nak tengok yang pukul 1 petang punya. Bila dah beli tiket, tengok2 dia print dekat belakang tiket tuu tulis pukul 1.30 jadi kitorang pun dengan hati yang senang lagi gumbira ditemani perut yang lapar pergi makan dulu sambil bergelak ketawa. Dalam pukul 1.20++ gituu baru kitorang gerak masuk panggung.
Tapii, alangkah terkejutnya bila masuk2 je, movie dah start weyh! dah habis pun scene diorang naik dragon dalam Gringotts tuu. Tahu tak betapa kecewanya peminat tegar Harry Potter ni? T.T
Keluar je dari panggung tuu, kawan2 yang lain semua perasan akan muka ketat lagi kecewa yang jelas terpampang. So, Ibah dengan Biha pun ajak masuk lagi sekali, pukul 4 petang punya hehee dalam hati berbunga riang tapi di mulut cakap, "eh, takpelah. kesian korang. ermm aku tak kisah pun. Boleh download kemudian." (ayat tak ikhlas punye =.=')
Tapi bila diorang macam insist dan okay, hehee aku pun apa lagi bagai orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal kitorang pun beli tiket untuk wayang pukul 4 punye. so kat sini just nak cerita, inilahh first time aku tengok wayang dua kali dalam hari yang sama dan tengok cerita yang sama! hehee thank you Ibah and Biha. :D
So secara overall, bagi aku movie dia memang awesome laa walaupun ada certain parts yang macam (=.=')
Fred's Death.

Seriously, aku kecewa sikit laa dekat scene fred mati tuu sebab sekejap sangat dia tunjuk. Tak tunjuk pun macam mana Fred boleh mati. Tak sempat nak feel pun!
Ingat tak Percy? abang Ron yang prefect tuu. Actually dalam Order of Phoenix, Percy putuskan hubungan dengan family Weasleys sebab ambition dia nak masuk Ministry of Magic sebab family Weasley sokong Dumbledore. kan ke dalam Order of Phoenix Ministry tak setuju dengan Dumbledore. So that's why laa Percy sampai sanggup buang family. tapi sebelum battle of Hogwarts tuu dia balik minta maaf kat family dia.
Percy: "I was a fool! I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a - a-"
Fred: "Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron."
Percy: "Yes, I was!"
Fred: "Well, you can't say fairer than that."
Fred orang pertama yang terima balik Percy. Dia yang hulurkan tangan dulu nak terima Percy. Then bile dia mati, Percy adalah orang terakhir yang bercakap dengan Fred.
Percy: "Hello, Minister! Did I mention I’m resigning?"
Fred: "You're joking, Perce! You actually are joking.... I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since you were –"
-Fred's last words
"Get down!" Harry shouted, as more curses flew through the night: He and Ron had both grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the floor, but Percy lay across Fred's body, shielding it from further harrm, and when Harry shouted "Percy, come on, we've got to move!" he shook his head.
"Percy!" Harry saw tear tracks streaking the grime coating Ron's face as he seized his elder brother's shoulders and pulled, but
Percy would not budge. "Percy, you can't do anything for him! We're going to--"
Sedih kann? T.T

“Filming Fred’s death was actually pretty easy. On the day we filmed I knew it was gonna happen so every time I saw James I would get really sad. When we went to film it they had James lay down on the stretcher and just wait until the rest of the cast got there. I took one look at James on the stretcher and burst into tears. I can’t even imagine how it would feel to lose him. We have done everything together since birth and to see my brother laying down on a stretcher pretending to be dead just killed me inside. After James got up and I gave him a huge hug. David said you did great, it was very believable. Then I told him I just thought of it as me and James not Fred and George.”
-Oliver Phelps on Fred’s death
Snape & Lily.
The Prince's tale sangat touching kann?
Sedih kott bila scene yang Harry masuk dalam memory Snape T.T
*Dah nula mengantuk, tibe2 tade idea nak tulis pasal Snape. Sambung nanti laa lepas ni. hehee part II nanti pasal Ron & Hermione dan Harry & Ginny*
Ok, tu je. Good nite all :)
update part II
yan, sambung la lagi..please2 =)
wahhh waaahhh
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