Sunday 24 October 2010

Kawan Posi.

Pergi jalan jalan kat Manshia, jumpe kawan Posi. Tibe2 teringat dekat Ziyad. Hehe Posi tu kuda Ziyad, wane kuning. Kuda tunggangan Ziyad kat rumah die. Waktu aku kat Malaysia hari tu, Ziyad tak pandai lagi tunggang Posi ni tapi sekarang Kak Yong cakap dah pandai. ^^

Ziyad dengan basikal die, hadiah birthday dari atuk opah tapi makteh yang pilih. Tapi Ziyad tak pandai kayuh lagi. Sikit-sikit je hehe sebab kaki tak sampai ^^

Btw, kitorang sekarang tengah Module Nervous System and Special Senses. Hehe~ dan lecturer cakap this is the heaviest module o.0

but then, suddenly someone far is gonna be very close. ^^ excited!


nuruzuaz said...

someone far is gonna be very close ye yan.... hehehehehe...... i wnt to find who is that someone...... hehehehehehhehe...^_^

IzyanKhalidah said...

hehe~ zana ^^

zatil hidayah said...

MErapu! Hahaha.

Lol nih kawan posi nyeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Meroh okay, cute!

IzyanKhalidah said...

haha ^^