Assalamualaikum and hi all 😘
Today i became volunteer for mock MRCP exam (MRCP is an exam to become Physicisian)
I had to act as surrogate during their exam. My station is history taking so I kena berlakon jadi Puan Sofia who is a 55 years old lady with underlying depression on medications.
Apparently i have been jaundice for the past 4 weeks and it worries me. What’s funny is the scripted social habit of mine is regular drinker of alcohol and smoker, it’s quite hard to act that part out since i am wearing tudung and doesnt even look like a depressed divorcee with a drinking problem. However i manage to stiffle my laugh while acting it out.
It was quite an experience though, this is my second time to be involved in this mock exam. Last year i had to act as a wife of a critically ill patient, and the exam candidates have to break the bad news regarding my husband’s condition to me.
My session finish at 1030am, Dr Gurpreet book us for whole day meaning i have free time after that and i dont have to go to work. Yeayyy.
But i have nowhere to go and nobody to spend time with. Everyone else are working of cours. Sad me, sad life as houseman, you have to work even on the weekends. 😕
So i just drive around taiping and went to my old school, which is one of my most favorite place on Earth because it holds the memories which are so dear to me, the memories from my teenage and immature years. I really miss those days.
I am not allowed to enter though, since it is weekend. So i just end up having a chit chat with the guards and bebel to the pakcik for not going to his appoinments and keep smoking despite having asthma and heart problem!
Then i went to taman tasik to have sengkuang calit by myself while looking at others spending time with their families 😅
Here are the pictures for today ☺️

Ok that’s all. Just feel like writing up something today. Have a nice day u olls 😋