Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Assalamualaikum :'(

Saya ada masalah.. Esok ada small test, carry 4 markah, test untuk tulis report for wound cases.. Jadi, bila ada test perkara paling obvious perlu dibuat adalah study.. Aaaaaaaaaa~ Tapi I can't bring myself nak bukak slide doctor. The pictures are so disturbing.. Huuuu~ Saya tak sukaaaaa T.T

How can I write a report kalau nak tengok gambar dia pun tak sanggup waaaaa~
This is the thing that I hate the most! Tengok gambar scary scary. (Apa punya doktor daaa -.-')
but seriously gambar gambar tu is so disturbing. I am glad kitorang tak perlu tengok the real cases.

Tadi ada kelas infanticide; Infant means babies under one year old, -cide means kill. So Infanticide maksudnya adalah bunuh bayi. The proffesor pun cakap, "I am sorry for showing you this disturbing picture early in the morning."

Pembunuhan babies yang prof tunjuk adalah sangat kejam, ada yang disembelih, dicekik, dihempap dan sebagainya. I think doing all those horrible things pada orang dewasa adalah kejam, at least orang dewasa dapat balas or defend themselves. but seriously babies? Those cute little persons? they can't even defend themselves, for God's sake!

Waktu kelas tadi, kami dapat a little tazkirah from Dr Shafaa. Dia bagitahu, dekat Egypt usually, autopsy (bedah siasat) babies yang dibunuh selalunya berakhir dengan jalan buntu, hanya sedikit sahaja percentage case yang dapat diselesaikan. tapi mostly tak dapat tangkap pembunuhnya, even the police don't really care untuk selesaikan case infanticide.

So, she asked us, what should we do in this situation? Adakah patut us, as  medical officer, buat acuh tak acuh je dengan that case? Since the result almost always will come out as a disappointment. Dr Shafaa cakap no, we have to do our best, try untuk dapatkan as many evidence, as many report kita boleh buat eventhough nobody is going to read that. Dr cakap we are working sincerely sebab takutkan hari di mana kita akan ditanya kembali, "why don't you do your job?" in front of Allah SWT.

Every person has their own right. It doesn't matter either the victim adalah seorang VIP yang satu negara nak tahu kesudahannya ataupun an innocent baby yang nobody in this world care about them, their right are the same. Macam mana you workhard  for that VIP, you should do the same untuk that baby.

I was actually touched during class tadi. Sebab masa Dr bagi this tazkirah, slide presentation behind her tunjuk gambar babies yang dibunuh kejam.

So, saya akan guna that tazkirah as a booster untuk tengok slides for test tomorrow. Wish me luck peeps! :')

*i am sorry dah lama tak blogwalking lately, so sorry. InsyaAllah I'll visit back later :)*

1 comment:

نورعيم said...

Allah! kejamnya. kalau sy pn sy xsanggup nk tgk :(