Sunday, 25 May 2014

How Doctors Do Ice Breaking

Assalamualaikum :)

My smart circle (baca: sc -it's something like usrah ) dirombak since mentor dah balik malaysia. So kitorang buat the first meeting of the new sc few days ago.

Since it was the first meeting, we decided to do some ice breaking. Well, we've known each other for almost 4-5 years dah sebab sekelas kan tapi there were lots of things yang kitorang tak tahu mengenai sesama sendiri. 

Lepas main some games, kitorang pun buat pengenalan diri secara proper. Bagitau about family, nak jadi specialist apa, nak kahwin bila, nak anak berapa and some other things yang kitorang tak pernah tahu about each other.

hee salah satu benda yang mencuit hati saya adalah apabila one of us cerita pasal adik beradik dia ada enam orang then ada someone yang menyampuk, "is it G6P6?" and the person yang tengah introduce diri cakap, "No, it's G7P6A1"

Haha and then semua orang after that bila cerita pasal adik beradik guna medical method. Lol mentang mentang semua tengah round obstetric.

What is this G and P thingy by the way.

G stands for Gravida : number of previous pregnancies regardless the outcome i.e abortion, live birth or still birth.

P stands for Parity : The number of previous deliveries.

and A for abortion.

Lets say a woman has G7P4A3 so maksudnya dia pernah mengandung sebanyak 7 kali, pernah melahirkan anak sebanyak 4 kali dan gugur 3 kali :D

Tu je haha.

Btw, i have another one week holiday due to the election in Egypt. Somewhat relief sebab ada break untuk diri sendiri tapi cam tak best bila ada some classes yang terpaksa cancel T.T

tapi apa apa pun this is the best kot, until then, see you soon peeps!
Assalamuaalaikum :)

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